COVID-19 Guidelines

Glass Ceiling Arts Collective receives funding from Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, we are obliged to adhere to the protocols of New Zealand’s COVID-19 Protection Framework when delivering our programmes. This helps mitigate risks to our participants. We are currently working to the RED settings of the Traffic Light System.

We hope the following helps explain our approach to managing classes under COVID-19. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to email

Vaccination Pass

All venues we use insist that all people in the venue have a Vaccination Pass. This applies to all participants aged 12 years 3 months and older. Your teacher will ask to scan your child’s Vaccination Pass at their first class and then again in 6 months time. Your child will not be able to attend class if they do not have a Vaccination Pass with them if they are 12 years 3 months or older.


If we are in lockdown classes and rehearsals will continue via Zoom. Space is given during zoom calls to enable socialising and student led practise including choosing music and activities.

Pick up and Drop Off

  • We implement a drop off and pick up only approach to restrict the number of adults on -site’. Where possible one person designated for pick up and drop off.

  • At drop off we ask parents/caregivers to remain in your car until the class starts.

  • Parents and caregivers can wait to collect their children and should maintain a 2m distance.

  • We will take the students to parents/caregivers outside the venue.

  • Students will not be allowed to enter before the class begins and we ask you not to congregate closely together as you wait.

  • Please wear a mask when you come to pick up your child. Remember some of our rangatahi are immunocompromised so it is important we are vigilant.

Rehearsal Space

The rehearsal space will be sanitised on arrival at changeover times and at the end of the rehearsal. This includes wiping down all surfaces including door handles, taps, window latches with disinfectant.

Physical Distancing

All participants, tutors, volunteers and support performers will be required to wear masks during rehearsals unless they have an exemption. This exemption should be emailed to before classes commence.

We run our programme in a way that minimises risk by using marks on the floor for participants to create their own designated space when working through an activity. These designated spaces are approximately 1 metre apart.

Some participants with high needs may find physical distancing challenging where possible it is good to have a support person with them. We can help find a suitable support person if needed and you can use Carer Support or IF to pay for this.

Keeping ourselves and our space safe

Hand sanitiser will be provided at rehearsals. Hand sanitiser stations will be set up at the designated entry and exit points. Participants, teachers, volunteers and support performers will use this as they enter or exit a room and when they go to the bathroom. Everyone will be reminded about hand hygiene – that is, washing hands regularly with soap and water, or with hand sanitiser, coughing or sneezing into a tissue or your elbow and then performing hand hygiene. Sanitiser, tissues, gloves & wipes will be available in every space we use.

Disinfectant/cloths and gloves will be available in our rehearsal space for children and teachers to sanitise spaces throughout the rehearsal as required.

Everyone will have their own script if we are using one and will be encouraged not to share these. Named drink bottles must be brought to our programme and please talk to your child about the importance of not sharing food.


Currently all our events will operate according to the red settings of the traffic light system.

—- Thank you for helping us keep our community safe. —-