“Everybody Dance”
Inclusive Dance Classes

in West Auckland
for 2025

An exciting new weekday inclusive dance class in West Auckland!

West Auckland Everybody Dance class is a fully inclusive dance experience appreciating, celebrating and empowering unique talents in each participant. While sharing a social opportunity participants receive both dance tuition and are encouraged in individual interpretation. The benefit of a structured social situation encourages fun and friendships beyond caregiver relationships.

Age: 10 - 25 years
When: Monday evenings from 6:30pm - 8pm
Cost: $150 per term
Contact: wadance@glassceilingartscollective.com


Classes are currently held at:

New Lynn Sea Scouts Hall - Kelston
20 Albert Road
Auckland 0602

(Please note: it’s the hall in Kelston not the other hall at
37 Margan Avenue in New Lynn)


Key People

If you’re new to Glass Ceiling Arts Collective, please make yourselves at home. The following people know all about what’s going on and can help with any questions:



If you’ve not already done so, please send us your details by registering here.

Welcome Pack

Please read the Welcome Pack.