“Huhu Harmonies”
Inclusive Singing Classes
in West Auckland
for 2025
When Starjam closed down in 2024, the Huhu Harmonies needed to find a new home. We are delighted that the group are now part of the Glass Ceiling Arts family, offering inclusive performing Arts opportunities to people all over New Zealand. If you live in West Auckland and have a passion for singing, join up today.
Age: 10 - 25 years
When: Monday evenings from 6:30pm - 8pm
Cost: <tbc>
Contact: wasing@glassceilingartscollective.com
Key People
If you’re new to Glass Ceiling Arts Collective, please make yourselves at home. Danielle, Kayla, Jackie and Cherry know all about what’s going on and can help with any questions:
If you’ve not already done so, please send us your details by registering here.
Welcome Pack
Please read the Welcome Pack.