What skills do our young participants learn or build on each term?
Throughout the year, the wonderful teaching team in our West Auckland class are collecting feedback from participants to gauge how they feel about the classes. Here’s a snapshot of the feedback so far (term 1 only).
“Stop and listen and to be aware of my surroundings”
“Learnt how to do the I Love Me dance which is fun :)”
“Learnt how to feel like a ROCKSTAR. ”
“Learn’t the I Love Me dance and singing new songs.”
“I learn’t to move and to listen”
“I enjoyed dancing and the new song.”
“Drama freeze, characters and acting skills. ”
“I learnt how to be quiet and consintrate.”
“I learnt how to be more confident with my dancing. ”
“How to use my imagination to create movement.”
“I learned to dance and I learned to sing.”
“Learned how to be more in tune.”
“Practicing I Love Me dance”
“Has learnt choreography better.”